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Coaching Process - What to Expect


The coaching process is flexible based on individual needs. However, in general, here are a few things to expect.


  1. Get to Know You--Through a series of questions and potential assessments, the first sessions will be “discovery.” Together, we will unpack your coaching goals, discuss your values, and agree on the frequency and style of coaching moving forward.


  1. Engage in Coaching Sessions—Whether once or twice per month or weekly, virtual sessions are 60 minutes long and are where we'll review your stated goals, progress made since the last time we met, and anything new that might be coming up for you.


  1. Celebrate Wins! – Celebrating wins is critical in every session! There will come a time when you’ve reached your goals, and we may close our time together. Clients often find scheduling check-ins or designing a maintenance program beneficial to keep the momentum going.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me or schedule time here.



Here are important documents and tools for my coaching clients. 



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